
Speaker / Presenter

I’m an acclaimed speaker to audiences in Australia and around the world, having long since recognised that technical subjects need to be explained in ways that audiences understand.

Please email or call me with what you’re after or use the online form at the bottom of this page and I’ll get back to you ASAP with my fee.

My fee depends on the particular engagement – who, where and what are needed:

Who: Full fee for businesses, industry groups and other government and commercial organisations but, if I can, no fee for schools and charities.


  • No transport or accommodation costs for engagements in Sydney, but transport (plane and taxi/Uber) costs for other locations.
  • Dependent on timing, there may be an accommodation cost as well.
  • Some locations – such as Perth and Darwin – require more travel time, so I charge more for them

How: Given the time savings, I charge less for speeches / briefings delivered by Zoom, Teams or similar.

What: Standard fee for standard topics.  But if you are also after specific insights for your organisation, I may charge more.

Expert Evidence

I have appeared as an expert before a range of courts and tribunals, including the Federal Court and Federal and State wage tribunals.

Please email or call me with the background to the dispute in question, and we can discuss whether – either by myself or as part of a larger team – I can assist.

Indicative examples of my speaking fee

Speech to a school or charity in Sydney


Speech to a school or charity elsewhere by Zoom, Teams or similar


Speech/briefing to a business client, delivered via Zoom, Teams or similar


Speech/briefing to a business client, daytrip, no accommodation required


Speech/briefing to a business client, accommodation is required


Speech/briefing to a business client in Perth, Darwin, Cains, similar


Note these indicative speaking fees assume that airfare/taxi costs are $300, and that – if required – accommodation costs are also $300.  All fees include GST, if applicable. If tailored content required, eg a focus on the chemicals sector, there may be an extra charge